300 More of 4928 Ancestors, Descendants and Other Relations of
Samuel Herbert BOOTH and Family
(Persons with names in GREEN are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of
Samuel Herbert BOOTH),
(Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Ancestors or Descendants of
Samuel Herbert BOOTH).
(Persons with names in BLUE are cousins or more distant relations of
Samuel Herbert BOOTH),
(Persons with names in MAROON are Especially Notable cousins or more distant relations of
Samuel Herbert BOOTH).
From BENT, Martha, (1655 - 1679) to BOOTH, Frederick N., (1830 - NA ).
Copyright 2007-2013 by Ancestry Register LLC and Terry J. Booth
. All reproduction or reuse is prohibited, in whole or in part, without written permission of the author and Ancestry Register LLC.

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'B' Surnames |
BENT, Martha, (1655 - 1679) |
BENT, Patience, (1670 - 1731) |
BENT, Peter, [Arrived on 'Conf (1629 - 1678) | |
BENT, Peter, (1653 - 1716) |
BENT, Richard (Robert), (1592 - 1631) |
BENT, Richard, (1577 - 1783) | |
BENT, Robert, [Arrived on 'Con (1623 - 1647) |
BENT, Robert, (1566 - 1631) |
BENT, Samuel Browning, (1785 - 1783) | |
BENT, Solomon Browning, (1784 - 1783) |
BENT, William, [Arrived on 'Co (1626 - 1638) |
BENT, Zacheus, (1667 - 1689) | |
BERRY, John, (Dates NA) |
BERRY, Lydia, (1789 - NA ) |
BESSE, Eunice, (1821 - 1850) | |
BESSE, Martin "Marcus", (1795 - 1850) |
BEST, Briggit 'Bridget', (1592 - 1671) |
BEST, Henry, (Dates NA) | |
BESWICK, Susannah, (1759 - 1796) |
BICKNELL, Ann, (1698 - 1778) |
BICKNELL, John, (Dates NA) | |
BICKNELL, Sally, (Dates NA) |
BICKNELL, Thomas, (1670 - 1717) |
BIGELOW, Hannah, (Dates NA) | |
BILLINGS, Hannah, (1690 - NA ) |
BILLINGTON, Eleanor, (1683 - 1752) |
BIRD, Dorothy, (Dates NA) | |
BISHOP, Anna, (1744 - 1788) |
BISHOP, Keturah, (1708 - 1732) |
BITFIELD, Elizabeth, (Dates NA) | |
BITFIELD, Ruth, (1623 - 1699) |
BITFIELD, William, (Dates NA) |
BLACKMAN, Jemimah, (1720 - 1803) | |
BLACKWELL, Alice, (1681 - 1729) |
BLACKWELL, John, (1646 - 1688) |
BLACKWELL, Michael, (1620 - 1709) | |
BLAISDELL, Ruth, (Dates NA) |
BLAKE, Simon, (1705 - NA ) |
BLANCHARD, Martha, (1598 - 1679) | |
BLANCHARD, Pierre Jean, (Dates NA) |
BLANCHARD, Pierre Jean, (Dates NA) |
BLANCHARD, Thomas, (1590 - 1654) | |
BLISS, (Rev) John, (1760 - 1845) |
BLISS, Bethiah, (1675 - 1702) |
BLISS, Patience, (Dates NA) | |
BLISS, William, (Dates NA) |
BOBO, Erie Dale, (1897 - 1989) |
BOBO, George Daniel, (Dates NA) | |
BOISSONEUALT, Marie Angelique, (1745 - 1814) |
BOITHES, Grace, (Dates NA) |
BONKER, James, (1645 - 1871) | |
BOOTH, (Col.) Zavata Valencour (1843 - 1899) |
BOOTH, (Corporal) Isaiah, (1751 - 1827) |
BOOTH, (Cpl.) Benjamin, (1760 - 1810) | |
BOOTH, (Cpl.) Jonas Glazier, J (1842 - 1909) |
BOOTH, (Deacon) Amasa, (1787 - 1848) |
BOOTH, (Deacon) Orrin, (1812 - 1885) | |
BOOTH, (Dr.) Louis Gerard, (1907 - 1990) |
BOOTH, (Pvt) George W[illiam], (1825 - 1892) |
BOOTH, (Pvt) Orlando S., (1844 - 1911) | |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Abiel, (1765 - 1836) |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Alden L[yman?], (1838 - 1885) |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) George W., Postm (1846 - 1895) | |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Jacob, (1731 - NA ) |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) John, (1757 - 1800) |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Joseph, Jr. (1756 - 1820) | |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Silas, (1738 - 1790) |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Silas, (Dates NA) |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Stoughton, (1761 - 1837) | |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Thomas, (1751 - 1800) |
BOOTH, (Pvt.) Zebedee, 2nd (1759 - 1808) |
BOOTH, (Rev.) Willis Deforest, (1873 - 1943) | |
BOOTH, (Sgt)(Deacon) Abiel Pei (1791 - 1850) |
BOOTH, (Sgt.) Isaiah, (1742 - 1805) |
BOOTH, (Sgt.) Joseph, Sr. (1734 - 1801) | |
BOOTH, (Sgt.) Joseph, Sr. (Dates NA) |
BOOTH, (Sgt.) Joseph, Sr. (Dates NA) |
BOOTH, (Sgt.) Joseph, Sr. (Dates NA) | |
BOOTH, (Sgt.) Joseph, Sr. (Dates NA) |
BOOTH, (Sgt.) Joseph, Sr. (Dates NA) |
BOOTH, Aaron, (1839 - 1880) | |
BOOTH, Abial, (1738 - 1759) |
BOOTH, Abigail, (1705 - 1774) |
BOOTH, Abigail, (1768 - 1852) | |
BOOTH, Abigail, (1829 - 1862) |
BOOTH, Abraham, (1673 - 1742) |
BOOTH, Abraham, (1735 - 1759) | |
BOOTH, Abraham, (1764 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Abraham, (1822 - 1824) |
BOOTH, Abram, (1824 - 1796) | |
BOOTH, Ada Bell, (1871 - 1876) |
BOOTH, Adaline Augusta, (1841 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Addie A., (1861 - 1944) | |
BOOTH, Adelbert Z[avala?] "Dell", (1868 - 1944) |
BOOTH, Adeline T., (1845 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Albert Bradford, (1844 - 1850) | |
BOOTH, Albert F., (1852 - 1900) |
BOOTH, Albert F., (1854 - 1870) |
BOOTH, Albert Henry 'Bert', (1874 - 1956) | |
BOOTH, Albert Henry, (1843 - 1904) |
BOOTH, Albert, (1814 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Albert, (1847 - 1900) | |
BOOTH, Alden Flavel, (1824 - 1854) |
BOOTH, Alden, (1803 - 1860) |
BOOTH, Alden, (1811 - 1894) | |
BOOTH, Alfred De Forest, (1848 - 1931) |
BOOTH, Alfred Joyce, (1846 - 1923) |
BOOTH, Alfred Lafayette, (1871 - 1895) | |
BOOTH, Alice J[ane?]., (twin) (1858 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Alice M., (1852 - 1852) |
BOOTH, Alice T., (1862 - 1859) | |
BOOTH, Allen, (1800 - 1860) |
BOOTH, Alma "Amy", (1804 - 1888) |
BOOTH, Almon W., (1889 - 1910) | |
BOOTH, Alonzo E., (1858 - 1910) |
BOOTH, Alonzo, (1840 - 1929) |
BOOTH, Alva N., (1882 - 1900) | |
BOOTH, Amanda A., (1844 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Amanda M., (1835 - 1886) |
BOOTH, Amanda, (1851 - 1880) | |
BOOTH, Amasa A., (1834 - 1854) |
BOOTH, Amasa J, (1845 - 1846) |
BOOTH, Amasa, Jr. (1818 - 1855) | |
BOOTH, Amasa, (1851 - 1883) |
BOOTH, Amelia F., (1843 - 1870) |
BOOTH, Amsie Adair, (1871 - 1952) | |
BOOTH, Andrew Louis, (1885 - 1910) |
BOOTH, Andrew T., (1836 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Anna, (1728 - 1754) | |
BOOTH, Anthony, (1689 - 1712) |
BOOTH, Anthony, (1720 - 1803) |
BOOTH, Ariadne Victory, (1818 - 1853) | |
BOOTH, Armina Myrtle 'Mina', (1875 - 1933) |
BOOTH, Arthur Layman, (1878 - 1879) |
BOOTH, Arthur, (1878 - NA ) | |
BOOTH, Asa, (1823 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Asenath, (1782 - 1812) |
BOOTH, Ashley, (1806 - 1885) | |
BOOTH, Augustien F., (1848 - 1860) |
BOOTH, Avis, (1748 - 1800) |
BOOTH, Avis, (Dates NA) | |
BOOTH, Barbary, (1796 - 1838) |
BOOTH, Barry, (1905 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Benjamin T[rafford?], (1825 - 1869) | |
BOOTH, Benjamin Tucker, (1799 - 1840) |
BOOTH, Benjamin, Jr. (1698 - 1759) |
BOOTH, Benjamin, Sr. (1667 - 1747) | |
BOOTH, Benjamin, (1735 - 1800) |
BOOTH, Benjamin, (1761 - 1839) |
BOOTH, Bernice Loree, (1914 - 1992) | |
BOOTH, Bertha Gertrude, (1877 - 1962) |
BOOTH, Betsey "Betty", (1789 - 1838) |
BOOTH, Betsey Goodwin, (1825 - 1862) | |
BOOTH, Betsey, (1782 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Betty Corrine, (1935 - 1930) |
BOOTH, Beulah Grace, (1901 - NA ) | |
BOOTH, Bliss, (1875 - 1875) |
BOOTH, Bud, (1905 - 1958) |
BOOTH, Calvin, (1836 - 1860) | |
BOOTH, Carlton E, (1910 - 1930) |
BOOTH, Caroline L., (1822 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Carrie L., (1873 - 1946) | |
BOOTH, Cassie, (1896 - 1900) |
BOOTH, Catharine T., (1838 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Catherine M, (1843 - 1860) | |
BOOTH, Catherine, (1795 - 1830) |
BOOTH, Catherine, (1805 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Charles A., (1842 - 1900) | |
BOOTH, Charles E., (1890 - 1920) |
BOOTH, Charles G., (1839 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Charles H., (1820 - 1867) | |
BOOTH, Charles H., (1830 - 1855) |
BOOTH, Charles L., (1879 - 1920) |
BOOTH, Charles Nelson, (1849 - 1879) | |
BOOTH, Charles O., (1865 - 1873) |
BOOTH, Charles R., (1842 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Charles R., (1867 - 1929) | |
BOOTH, Charles W., (1824 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Charles W., (1841 - 1873) |
BOOTH, Charles W., (1879 - NA ) | |
BOOTH, Charles W[atson?]., (twin) (1858 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Charles, (1837 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Charlotte Ann, (1813 - 1850) | |
BOOTH, Chester Otis, (1896 - 1980) |
BOOTH, Clarence A., (1879 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Clarence Eden, (1854 - 1917) | |
BOOTH, Cornelia F., (1836 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Culbert "Cuthbert", (1780 - 1856) |
BOOTH, Daisy, (1899 - 1945) | |
BOOTH, Dale, (1918 - 1930) |
BOOTH, Daniel B., (1844 - 1846) |
BOOTH, Daniel Seymour, (1839 - 1909) | |
BOOTH, Daniel Webster, (1834 - 1835) |
BOOTH, Daniel, (1815 - 1892) |
BOOTH, Daniel, (1816 - 1869) | |
BOOTH, Darius, (1820 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Dau #1 of Isaiah, (1802 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Dau #2 of Isaiah, (1805 - NA ) | |
BOOTH, Dau of Israel, (1818 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Daughter of Josiah, (1809 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Daughter of Smith, (1819 - 1854) | |
BOOTH, David E., (1829 - 1850) |
BOOTH, David T., (1851 - 1880) |
BOOTH, David, (Twin) (1791 - 1830) | |
BOOTH, DeVerre A., (1880 - 1919) |
BOOTH, De_Marquis_de_Lafayette, (1797 - 1883) |
BOOTH, Deborah Laurette, (1846 - 1850) | |
BOOTH, Delbur Earl, (1907 - 1975) |
BOOTH, Diadame "Diadama", (1755 - 1829) |
BOOTH, Doris E., (1914 - 1930) | |
BOOTH, Dorothy, (1769 - 1844) |
BOOTH, Dorothy, (1913 - 1930) |
BOOTH, Ebenezer, (1788 - 1810) | |
BOOTH, Edgar P., (1848 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Edith May, (1880 - 1939) |
BOOTH, Edmund C., (1886 - 1914) | |
BOOTH, Edna C, (1894 - 1937) |
BOOTH, Edna, (1879 - 1900) |
BOOTH, Edson A., (1873 - 1880) | |
BOOTH, Edward A, (1909 - 1930) |
BOOTH, Edward Fuller, (1857 - 1888) |
BOOTH, Edward H., (1849 - 1880) | |
BOOTH, Edward, (1799 - 1843) |
BOOTH, Edwin A., (1865 - 1920) |
BOOTH, Edwin D, (1887 - 1910) | |
BOOTH, Elaine, (1914 - 1986) |
BOOTH, Elden Henry, (1869 - 1959) |
BOOTH, Eleanor Sergeant, (1830 - 1854) | |
BOOTH, Eleanor, (1723 - 1754) |
BOOTH, Elenor, (1823 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Eli, (1819 - 1850) | |
BOOTH, Elias T., (1817 - 1884) |
BOOTH, Elias, (1854 - 1875) |
BOOTH, Elijah, (1784 - 1859) | |
BOOTH, Eliza, (1808 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Eliza, (1811 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth A, (1828 - 1860) | |
BOOTH, Elizabeth A., (1817 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth G. "Lizzie", (1860 - 1873) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth Minerva, (1893 - 1916) | |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1657 - 1709) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1703 - 1774) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1768 - 1843) | |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1784 - 1827) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1800 - 1796) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1818 - 1837) | |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1827 - 1869) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1840 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Elizabeth, (1875 - 1880) | |
BOOTH, Ella Fay, (1909 - 1979) |
BOOTH, Ella May, (1888 - 1904) |
BOOTH, Ellen C., (1846 - 1870) | |
BOOTH, Ellen J. 'Nellie', (1869 - 1905) |
BOOTH, Ellen Justine, (1908 - 1961) |
BOOTH, Ellen M., (1832 - 1862) | |
BOOTH, Ellsworth Vernon, (1863 - 1927) |
BOOTH, Elmer Clarence, (1897 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Elmer Norton, (1854 - 1904) | |
BOOTH, Eloise Winthrop, (1869 - 1935) |
BOOTH, Elton Duane, (1859 - 1912) |
BOOTH, Elvira D., (1831 - 1883) | |
BOOTH, Elwood E., (1863 - 1900) |
BOOTH, Elwyn, (1915 - 1930) |
BOOTH, Emaline, (1820 - 1869) | |
BOOTH, Emily F. "Amilia", (1818 - 1835) |
BOOTH, Emma A., (1868 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Emma C., (1856 - 1850) | |
BOOTH, Emma C., (1881 - 1900) |
BOOTH, Emma Deette, (1864 - 1867) |
BOOTH, Emma P., (1854 - 1870) | |
BOOTH, Emma S., (1853 - 1860) |
BOOTH, Emma, (1834 - 1880) |
BOOTH, Enos, (1793 - 1830) | |
BOOTH, Erma Erie, (1918 - 1989) |
BOOTH, Ettia, (1889 - 1900) |
BOOTH, Eunice, (1693 - 1769) | |
BOOTH, Eva Madge, (1884 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Eva Maria, (1871 - 1905) |
BOOTH, Fanny Adelaide, (1856 - 1908) | |
BOOTH, Fanny C., (1851 - 1870) |
BOOTH, Fanny P., (1838 - NA ) |
BOOTH, Fanny, (Dates NA) | |
BOOTH, Flora (Florence), (1848 - 1885) |
BOOTH, Florence E., (1890 - 1920) |
BOOTH, Frances "Francina", (1724 - 1755) | |
BOOTH, Frances Henrietta, (1847 - 1910) |
BOOTH, Frances M., (1826 - 1850) |
BOOTH, Francis C., (1883 - 1900) | |
BOOTH, Francis Ella, (1866 - 1928) |
BOOTH, Francis, (1855 - 1886) |
BOOTH, Frank C., (1856 - 1860) | |
BOOTH, Frank Deforest, (1863 - 1875) |
BOOTH, Frank H., (1857 - 1871) |
BOOTH, Frank L., (1876 - 1900) | |
BOOTH, Frank, (1849 - 1870) |
BOOTH, Frank, (1850 - 1860) |
BOOTH, Fred S., (1864 - NA ) | |
BOOTH, Frederick "Fred", (1801 - 1864) |
BOOTH, Frederick H., (1831 - 1870) |
BOOTH, Frederick N., (1830 - NA ) | |
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