Some Descendants of Thomas TREADWELL
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(Persons with names shown in Green are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Samuel Herbert BOOTH) (Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Samuel Herbert BOOTH). (Persons with names in BLUE are cousins or more distant relations of Samuel Herbert BOOTH). (Persons with names in MAROON are Especially Notable cousins or more distant relations of Samuel Herbert BOOTH).
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1. Thomas TREADWELL,371 son of John TREADWELL and Wife of John (TREADWELL) UNKNOWN, was born about 1510 in Sybforde Gore, Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire, England 371 and died about May 1545 in Oxfordshire, England 371 about age 35. Another name for Thomas was Thomas TREDWELL.
Thomas married Elizabeth (TREADWELL) UNKNOWN.371 Elizabeth was born circa 1510 in Prob England.
Children from this marriage were:
2. | i. |
Alexander TREADWELL 371 was born about 1524 in Oxfordshire, England 371 and died 16 Jul 1603 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 371 about age 79.
3. | ii. | Alyce TREADWELL 371 was born in 1524 in England 371 and died after 1545 in Oxfordshire, England.371 Another name for Alyce was Alyce TREDWELL.
4. | iii. | Rychard TREADWELL 371 was born in 1526 371 and died after 1545.371 Another name for Rychard was Rychard TREDWELL.
5. | iv. | Margaret TREADWELL 371 was born in 1528 371 and died after 1545.371 Another name for Margaret was Margaret TREDWELL.
6. | v. | Julyan TREADWELL 371 was born in 1530 371 and died after 1545.371 Another name for Julyan was Julyan TREDWELL.
7. | vi. | Joys TREADWELL 371 was born in 1532 371 and died after 1545.371 Another name for Joys was Joys TREDWELL.
2. Alexander TREADWELL 371 (Thomas 1) was born about 1524 in Oxfordshire, England 371 and died 16 Jul 1603 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 371 about age 79. Another name for Alexander was Alexander TREDWELL.
Alexander married Dorothy (TREADWELL) UNKNOWN 371 about 1558.371 Dorothy was born about 1528 in Oxford, Swalcliff, England 371 and died before 1603 in England.371
Children from this marriage were:
8. | i. | Alice TREADWELL 371 was born about 1560 in Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire, England 371 and was baptized 15 Aug 1560 in England.371 Another name for Alice was Alice TREDWELL.
9. | ii. | Richard TREADWELL 371 was born before 13 Apr 1562 in Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire, England,371 was baptized 13 Apr 1562,371 and died circa 1645.371 Another name for Richard was Richard TREDWELL.
10. | iii. |
Thomas TREADWELL 371 was born in 1565 in Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire, England,371 was baptized 29 Sep 1565 in Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire, England,371 and died after 1610 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England.371
11. | iv. | Ellen TREADWELL 371 was born about 1568.371 Another name for Ellen was Ellen TREDWELL.
Alexander next married Juliana (TREADWELL) UNKNOWN 371 about 1575.371 Juliana was born circa 1525 in Prob England.
The child from this marriage was:
12. | i. | Joan TREADWELL 371 was born before 30 May 1575 in England 371 and was baptized 30 May 1575 in England.371 Another name for Joan was Joan TREDWELL.
10. Thomas TREADWELL 371 (Alexander 2, Thomas 1) was born in 1565 in Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire, England,371 was baptized 29 Sep 1565 in Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire, England,371 and died after 1610 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England.371
Thomas married Rebecca Or Katherina BROTHER 371 about 1596.371 Rebecca was born about 1570.371
Children from this marriage were:
13. | i. | Alexander TREADWELL 371 was born before 10 Dec 1597,371 was baptized 10 Dec 1597 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England,371 and died in 1662 in Oxfordshire, England.371 Another name for Alexander was Alexander TREDWELL.
14. | ii. | George TREADWELL 371 was born before 19 Sep 1599,371 was baptized 19 Sep 1599 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England,371 died before 18 Jun 1614 in England,371 and was buried 18 Jun 1614.371
15. | iii. | Anne TREADWELL 371 was born before 10 Dec 1600 in Prob Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 371 and was baptized 10 Dec 1600 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England.371
16. | iv. | Alice TREADWELL 371 was born before 12 Sep 1602 in Prob Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 371 and was baptized 12 Sep 1602 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England.371
17. | v. |
Thomas TREADWELL 583 was born 4 Dec 1603 in St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, England 583 and died 8 Jun 1671 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 583 at age 67.
18. | vi. | Richard TREADWELL 371 was born before 10 Mar 1604/05 in Prob Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 371 and was baptized 10 Mar 1604/05 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England.371
19. | vii. | John TREADWELL 371 was born before 29 Sep 1606 in Prob Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 371 and was baptized 29 Sep 1606 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England.371
20. | viii. | Edward TREADWELL 371 was born before 20 Dec 1607 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England,371 was baptized 20 Dec 1607 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England,371 and died in 1660 in Hempstead, Long Island, NY.371
21. | ix. | Joan TREADWELL 371 was born before 27 Dec 1609 in Prob Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 371 and was baptized 27 Dec 1609 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England.371
| Thomas TREADWELL - First of this Line to America |  |
17. Thomas TREADWELL 583 (Thomas 3, Alexander 2, Thomas 1) was born 4 Dec 1603 in St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, England 583 and died 8 Jun 1671 in Epwell, Oxfordshire, England 583 at age 67.
Thomas married Mary TAYLOR,583 daughter of Samuel TAYLOR and Wife of Samuel (TAYLOR) UNKNOWN, about 1633 in England.583 Mary was born in 1605 583 and died 1 Dec 1685 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 at age 80. Another name for Mary was Mary TAYLOR. MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
22. | i. | Nathaniel TREADWELL 371 was born 13 Mar 1637/38 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 11 Jan 1726/27 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 at age 88.
Nathaniel married Rebecca TITCOMB,371 daughter of William TITCOMB and Elizabeth BITFIELD, 25 Mar 1678 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.371 Rebecca was born 1 Apr 1656 in Newbury, Essex Co., MA 371 and died after 14 Jul 1715. Another name for Rebecca was Rebecca TITCOMB.371 SPOUSE NOTES
23. | ii. | Esther TREADWELL 583 was born 21 Mar 1639/40 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 and died 4 Jan 1728/29 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 at age 88. Another name for Esther was Esther TREADWELL.371 CHILD NOTES
Esther married Daniel HOVEY 583 8 Oct 1665 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.583 Daniel was born about 1642 583 and died 29 May 1695 in Prob Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 about age 53.
24. | iii. | Martha TREADWELL 583 was born 16 Mar 1642/43 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 and died 3 Mar 1737/38 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 at age 94.
Martha married Robert CROSS 583 19 Feb 1664/65 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.583 Robert was born about 1641 of Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 and died about 1713 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 about age 72.
25. | iv. | Mary TREADWELL 583 was born 29 Sep 1636 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 and died after 4 Oct 1695 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.583 Another name for Mary was Mary TREADWELL.371 CHILD NOTES
Mary married John GAINES 583 about 1659 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.583 John was born circa 1635 and died in Sep 1688 of Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 583 at age 53.
26. Thomas TREADWELL 583 (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Alexander 2, Thomas 1) was born about 1634 in England 583 and died after 8 Jan 1711/12 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.583 Another name for Thomas was Thomas TREADWELL.
Thomas married Sarah TITCOMB,583 daughter of William TITCOMB and Joanna BARTLETT, 16 Mar 1664/65 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.583 Sarah was born 22 Jun 1640 583 and died after Mar 1707/08 of Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.583
Children from this marriage were:
27. | i. |
Thomas TREADWELL 584 was born 3 Mar 1665/66 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 584 and died 13 Jan 1732/33 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 584 at age 66.
28. | ii. | Elisha TREADWELL 371 was born circa 1668 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died before 31 Mar 1691 in Canada.371
29. | iii. | John TREADWELL 371 was born 28 Nov 1670 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 16 Dec 1727 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 at age 57. Another name for John was John TREADWELL.371
30. | iv. | Sarah TREADWELL 371 was born 10 Jan 1672/73 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 5 Aug 1738 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 at age 65.
31. | v. | Mary TREADWELL 371 was born 9 Aug 1675 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died before 28 Oct 1682 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.371
32. | vi. | Ann TREADWELL 371 was born 16 Aug 1679 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 16 Apr 1682 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 at age 2.
27. Thomas TREADWELL 584 (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Alexander 2, Thomas 1) was born 3 Mar 1665/66 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 584 and died 13 Jan 1732/33 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 584 at age 66.
Thomas married Frances SAWYER (See Link for Ancestry),584 585 daughter of William SAWYER and Ruth BITFIELD, before 19 May 1693 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.584 Frances was born 3 Nov 1670 of Newbury, Essex Co., MA 584 and died in Oct 1744 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 584 at age 73. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
33. | i. |
Thomas TREADWELL 369 was born about 1700 in Prob Ipswich, Essex Co., MA and died before 4 Apr 1760 in Prob Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.369
34. | ii. | Hannah TREADWELL 371 585 was born about 1694 371 585 and died after 4 Mar 1727/28.371 585 Another name for Hannah was Hannah TREADWELL.371 585
Thomas next married Mary PERKINS 371 circa 1690 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.371 Mary was born circa 1670 of Essex Co., Massachusetts 371 and died before 19 May 1693 in Prob Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.371 SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
35. | i. | Mary TREADWELL 371 was born 8 Jun 1691 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died after 12 Jul 1760.371 Another name for Mary was Mary TREADWELL.371
33. Thomas TREADWELL 369 (Thomas 6, Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Alexander 2, Thomas 1) was born about 1700 in Prob Ipswich, Essex Co., MA and died before 4 Apr 1760 in Prob Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.369 ADDED NOTES
Thomas married Sarah PERKINS 369 about 29 Oct 1726 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.369 Sarah was born before 12 Aug 1705 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA,369 was baptized 12 Aug 1705 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA,369 and died 4 Jun 1729 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.369
The child from this marriage was:
36. | i. | Sarah TREADWELL 371 was born 25 May 1729 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 13 Jun 1729 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.371
Thomas next married Hepzibah HOBSON (See Link for Ancestry),369 586 daughter of John HOBSON and Dorcas PEARSON, 16 May 1734 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.369 Hepzibah was born 13 Jun 1700 in Rowley, Massachusetts 369 586 and died before 29 May 1778 in Prob Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.369
Children from this marriage were:
37. | i. | Sarah TREADWELL 371 was born before 23 Feb 1733/34 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 1 Aug 1738 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA.371
38. | ii. |
Hannah TREADWELL 369 was born before 7 Nov 1736 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA,369 was baptized 7 Nov 1736 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA, and died 22 Jan 1802 in Prob Washington, Sullivan Co., NH.
39. | iii. | Samuel TREADWELL 371 was born 9 Mar 1736/37 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died after 29 May 1778.371
40. | iv. | John TREADWELL 371 was born 9 Mar 1736/37 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 27 Mar 1739 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 at age 2.
41. | v. | Mary TREADWELL 371 was born after 1737.371
42. | vi. | John TREADWELL 371 was born before 17 Mar 1739/40 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died before 27 Feb 1760 in Crown Point, New York.371
43. | vii. | Sarah TREADWELL 371 was born before 3 Apr 1743 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 30 Mar 1788 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.371
44. | viii. | Thomas TREADWELL 371 was born 20 Oct 1743 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 371 and died 7 May 1796 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA 371 at age 52.
38. Hannah TREADWELL 369 (Thomas 7, Thomas 6, Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Alexander 2, Thomas 1) was born before 7 Nov 1736 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA,369 was baptized 7 Nov 1736 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA, and died 22 Jan 1802 in Prob Washington, Sullivan Co., NH.
Hannah married (Capt.) Eliphalet DENSMORE,369 son of Thomas DINSMORE and Hannah DEAN, 5 Oct 1757 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.369 Eliphalet was born 23 Dec 1734 in Bedford, Middlesex Co., MA and died 11 Nov 1811 in Washington, Sullivan Co., NH at age 76. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
45. | i. | John DENSMORE 370 371 was born 9 Sep 1758 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
46. | ii. | William DENSMORE 370 371 was born 31 May 1760 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA 370 and died before 5 Aug 1776 in Prob Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.
47. | iii. | Hannah DENSMORE 370 371 was born 31 Jul 1762 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
48. | iv. | Dorcas DENSMORE 370 371 was born 6 Jan 1764 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
49. | v. | Moses DENSMORE 370 371 was born 22 Oct 1765 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
50. | vi. | Thomas DENSMORE 370 371 was born 13 Sep 1767 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
51. | vii. | Eliphalet DENSMORE 370 371 was born 9 Oct 1769 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
52. | viii. | Lydia DENSMORE 370 371 was born 30 Dec 1770 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
53. | ix. | Asa DENSMORE 370 371 was born 15 Nov 1772 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
54. | x. | Daniel DENSMORE 370 371 was born 29 Jun 1774 in Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
55. | xi. | William DENSMORE 370 371 was born 5 Aug 1776 in Prob Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA.370
56. | xii. |
Sarah DENSMORE 282 369 370 was born 9 Jul 1778 in Prob Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA 370 and died before 23 Apr 1818 in Perhaps West Boylston, Worcester Co., MA.
56. Sarah DENSMORE 282 369 370 (Hannah TREADWELL 8, Thomas 7, Thomas 6, Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Alexander 2, Thomas 1) was born 9 Jul 1778 in Prob Littleton, Middlesex Co., MA 370 and died before 23 Apr 1818 in Perhaps West Boylston, Worcester Co., MA. Another name for Sarah was Sarah DENSMORE.371
Sarah married Jason GLAZIER (See Link for Ancestry),282 son of John GLAZIER and Mary BROOKS, 9 Oct 1790 in Boylston, Worcester Co., MA.282 Jason was born 14 Jul 1767 in Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA,282 was baptized 9 Aug 1767 in Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA,282 and died 18 May 1859 in West Boylston, Worcester Co., MA 368 at age 91. SPOUSE NOTES
See the
Jason GLAZIER Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
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