Some Descendants of John SPOONER
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(Persons with names shown in Green are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Samuel Herbert BOOTH) (Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Samuel Herbert BOOTH). (Persons with names in BLUE are cousins or more distant relations of Samuel Herbert BOOTH). (Persons with names in MAROON are Especially Notable cousins or more distant relations of Samuel Herbert BOOTH).
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1. John SPOONER,515 son of James SPOONER and Wife of James (SPOONER) UNKNOWN, was born about 1594 in Buckingham, England 515 and died 6 Jul 1628 in Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands 515 about age 34. ADDED NOTES
John married Susanna BENNETT 515 about 1610.515 Susanna was born about 1590 515 and died before 24 Dec 1616.515
John next married Ann PECK (See Link for Ancestry),515 daughter of Robert PECK and Prudence BREWSTER, 24 Dec 1616 in Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands.515 Ann was born about 1598 in Hertfordshire, England and died about 1650 in Salem, Plymouth Co., MA 515 about age 52.
Children from this marriage were:
2. | i. |
William SPOONER 474 515 516 was born 1 Jan 1621/22 in Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands,515 516 was baptized about 1622 in Colchester, Essex, England, died after 8 Mar 1683/84 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA,515 516 and was buried in Mar 1683/84 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA.
3. | ii. | Thomas SPOONER 515 was born about 1623 in Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands 515 and died before 29 Sep 1664 in Salem, Essex Co., MA.515
| William SPOONER - First of this Line to America |  |
2. William SPOONER 474 515 516 (John 1) was born 1 Jan 1621/22 in Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands,515 516 was baptized about 1622 in Colchester, Essex, England, died after 8 Mar 1683/84 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA,515 516 and was buried in Mar 1683/84 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA. ADDED NOTES
William married Hannah PRATT,515 516 daughter of Joshua PRATT and Bathsheba FRYE, 18 Mar 1651/52 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA.515 516 Hannah was born about 1631 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 516 and died about 1684 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 516 about age 53.
Children from this marriage were:
4. | i. | Isaac SPOONER was born about 1652 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 and died 27 Dec 1709 515 about age 57.
6. | iii. | Sarah SPOONER 515 was born 5 Oct 1653 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA,515 died about 1720 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA about age 67, and was buried about 1720 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA.
7. | iv. | Samuel SPOONER 515 was born 14 Jan 1654/55 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA,515 died about 1739 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA 515 about age 84, and was buried about 1739 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA.515 CHILD NOTES
8. | v. | Martha SPOONER 515 was born about 1657 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 and died after 25 Mar 1717.515
9. | vi. | Hannah SPOONER 515 was born about 1663 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 and died between 1651 and 1755.515
10. | vii. | Mercy SPOONER 515 was born about 1663 515 and died after 1684.515
11. | viii. | Ebenezer SPOONER 515 was born about 1666 in Accushnet, Bristol Co., MA.515 CHILD NOTES
William next married Elizabeth PARTRIDGE 474 515 in 1646 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA.515 Elizabeth was born about 1625 in England,515 died 28 Apr 1648 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 518 about age 23, and was buried in Apr 1648 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA.
The child from this marriage was:
12. | i. |
John S. SPOONER 474 515 was born about 1644 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 and died after 7 Feb 1733/34 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA.515
5. (Lieut.) William SPOONER 515 517 (William 2, John 1) was born about 1654 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 517 and died after 27 Oct 1735 of Rochester, Plymouth Co., MA.515 517 ADDED NOTES
William married Sarah (Not Warren) (SPOONER) UNKNOWN 517 circa 1685. Sarah was born circa 1660 and died before 27 Oct 1735 of Rochester, Plymouth Co., MA.517 SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
13. | i. |
Benjamin SPOONER was born 31 Mar 1691 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA and died about 1783 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA about age 92.
12. John S. SPOONER 474 515 (William 2, John 1) was born about 1644 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA 515 and died after 7 Feb 1733/34 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA.515 ADDED NOTES
John married Rebecca PECKHAM,474 daughter of John PECKHAM and Eleanor WEAVER, about 1679 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA.519 Rebecca was born about 1660 in Newport, Newport Co., RI. SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
13. Benjamin SPOONER (William ((Lieut.)) 3, William 2, John 1) was born 31 Mar 1691 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA and died about 1783 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA about age 92.
Benjamin married Joanna TOBEY 29 Nov 1716. Joanna was born 22 May 1697 of Sandwich, Barnstable Co., MA and died before 6 Sep 1742 of Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA.
The child from this marriage was:
15. | i. | Benjamin SPOONER was born 19 Oct 1717 and died before 23 Oct 1743.
Benjamin next married Zerviah POTTER 6 Sep 1742 in Freetown, Bristol Co., MA. Zerviah was born circa 1710 and died of Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA.
The child from this marriage was:
14. (Lt) William SPOONER 513 (John S. 3, William 2, John 1) was born 11 May 1680 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA 513 and died in Aug 1729 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA 513 514 at age 49. ADDED NOTES
William married Alice BLACKWELL (See Link for Ancestry),513 daughter of John BLACKWELL and Sarah WARREN, about 1699 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA. Alice was born 8 May 1681 in Sandwich, Barnstable Co., MA 513 and died before 11 Jul 1729 in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., MA.513 SPOUSE NOTES
See the
Alice BLACKWELL Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
| (Sgt.) Benjamin SPOONER- Revolutionary War Veteran |  |
16. (Sgt.) Benjamin SPOONER Jr. 105 (Benjamin 4, William ((Lieut.)) 3, William 2, John 1) was born 23 Oct 1743 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA 105 and died about 1827 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA 105 about age 84. ADDED NOTES
Benjamin married Mary PEIRCE, daughter of (Capt.) Ebenezer PEIRCE and Mercy HOSKINS, 19 Oct 1764 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA by Baptist Rev. Ebenezer Hinds. Mary was born about 1739 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA and died before 9 May 1784 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA. MARRIAGE NOTES
Benjamin next married Tryphenia Melinda BOOTH [ [Proposed] Placement],105 daughter of (Sgt.) Joseph BOOTH Sr. and Tryphena HATHAWAY [Proposed Wife], 9 May 1784 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA by Rev. Caleb Turner of Lakeville & Taunton Cong Church.105 Tryphenia was born about 1765 in Middleborough, Plymouth Co., MA 105 and died 25 Apr 1852 in Perhaps Fairhaven, Bristol Co., MA 105 about age 87. MARRIAGE NOTES
See the
[Proposed] Tryphenia Melinda BOOTH Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
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